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In order to help you process your shipments as smoothly as possible, we would like to bring to your attention that as of January 1st, 2013 it will be forbidden to import used refrigerators and freezer…
Please be advised that the  Kenyan Customs Authorities have increased their scrutiny of seal numbers as part of their  Electronic Cargo Tracking System enhancement to curve on fraud cases. Therefore i…
In order to help you process your shipments as smoothly as possible, we would like to bring to your attention that the Panama Customs Authorities now require the following information on all Bills of…
Please be advised that the following new regulation has taken immediate effect:All American and Canadian Consignee and Notify parties on the Bill of Lading must include a zip code. Canadian Customs Au…
We wish to update you about the new Guatemalan Congress regulations regarding customs processes, and to bring to your attention the very strict penalties for violations of these regulations.  We hope…
A special note to our customers shipping to the Philippines: Shipments of Personal Effects that include a vehicle are to be covered by two separate Bills of Lading – one for the vehicle, and one for t…