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  4. Venezuelan RIF Number
07-11月-2012 | 12:05
Venezuelan RIF Number
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07-11月-2012 | 12:05
Venezuelan RIF Number

In order to help you plan and execute your shipments as smoothly as possible, we would like to bring to your attention that the Venezuelan Authorities require the Consignee details to include the telephone number as well as the RIF number.
The RIF number is tax number, “Registro de Identificación Fiscal”, which is  issued by the Venezuelan authorities to legal and natural persons.
The number consists of an E, I, J, or V, followed by an eight-digit number and a check digit, all separated by hyphens. For example: V-12345678-0.
If you have a question about this regulation or you would like further clarification, please be in contact and we will be happy to assist you.