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01-1月-2011 | 12:00
Benin Shipping Council Electronic Cargo
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01-1月-2011 | 12:00
Benin Shipping Council Electronic Cargo

Tracking Note
We are required by Benin's Shipping Council to validate, that each container imported into the country, has made payment for an Electronic Cargo Tracking Note.

Each container destined to Benin must have the attached document issued  by Phoenix Europe (please see attached sample ECTN sample)  and we must add the number of this document to the B/L .

Attached is the list of agents for the issuing of this document "Overseas agents list" and also the tariff for different origins "ECTN Benin Circular".
Any cargo loaded to Benin, must be verified that payment has been made by shipper.
The number of ECTN document must be added to the B/L.
Failure to verify ECTN for All Benin destined cargo on board our vessel, will result with vessel not allowed to dock, and additional costs to be sorted out with Phoenix Europe  all of which to be attributed to the loading port.