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Emission Fee (NEF) charge update - August 1st 2024
Dear Valued Customer,The following are the updated New Emission Fee (NEF) levels effective from August 1st, 2024(*) till further notice, applying to FAK (Freight All Kind) cargo, in the trades as detailed below.The rates are listed below for your con…
Equipment Shortage Surcharge (ESS) from All West Med to All East Med & Black Sea ports
Dear Valued Customers, We would like to update you that due to equipment shortage in the Mediterranean area and to continue our good and reliable services, ZIM is updating the Equipment shortage surcharge from All West Med to All East Med & Black…


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Dangerous Goods policy update
Dear Valued Customer,We wish to update that with the immediate effect, Hydrogen Peroxide Class 5.1 UNNO 2014 & 2015 will not be accepted for shipments in standard DV containers. The Hydrogen Peroxide Class 5.1 UNNO 2014 & 2015 will be accepte…
New Regulation for Import to Egypt
Dear Valued Customers,We have been advised regarding a new Egyptian Customs regulation named Advanced Cargo Information (ACI), which requires that the Egyptian Importer will register his expected shipment with the new Egyptian Customs system before t…