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arrowGeri Dön
01-Eyl-2019 | 11:23
India Sea Cargo Manifest Regulation
arrow Geri Dön
01-Eyl-2019 | 11:23
India Sea Cargo Manifest Regulation

Dear Valued Customers:

The Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs in India has still not defined a final date for implementation however it is important we are all aware of the requirement.

As part of this new regulation, the Carrier is required to provide the final Import manifest (now called Arrival Manifest) to the Indian Customs before the vessel sails from the last Port of Call before India.

Although the following information is already mandatory we would like to emphasize the requirement of the following fields to be include in the manifest:


Additionally the Indian Customs is also requiring the Cargo Value (amount and currency)  to be included in the Arrival Manifest.

We ask for your cooperation in providing us with all of the above details in your Shipping Instructions in enough time for us to submit the Arrival Manifest in a timely manner.


If you have any questions or require any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact your Local customer Service Representative.