Dear ZIM Customer,
We would like to update you, that due to the increasing shortage of equipment in Turkish ports, and in order to continue our good and reliable service, ZIM is updating its Equipment Shortage Surcharge (ESS) from all Turkish ports to all Mediterranean ports, accordingly:
Effective: June 15th, 2024, sailing date, till further notice:
POL | POD | 20DV | 40DV/HC |
Istanbul / Derince / Gemlik / Aliaga / Mersin | All Med Ports | $75 | $125 |
The above charge is in addition to the applicable base freight charges, THC, bunker, ESS and security-related charges which are provided in ZIM's Tariff Calculator, as well as other charges for additional services, local charges and contingency charges, subject to monthly review and update.
For further details, please contact your ZIM Sales Representative.
ZIM Integrated Shipping.