DJI 0141 Sammy Ofer Bunkering Kinkston 878X494

Let Your Business Bloom!

Introducing ZIM South Lotus (ZSL), your newest direct connection between Vietnam and the US Gulf, now offering a fast, fresh, flourishing link that brings you closer to key markets across Asia, Mexico, and Southern US destinations including Houston, Mobile, Tampa and Miami.

Reefer Overview Youngest Reefer Fleet
Reefer Overview Youngest Reefer Fleet

Market-leading transit time

Mobile App Booking
Mobile App Booking

Weekly calls available

Customer Support. Circle Blue
Customer Support. Circle Blue

Dedicated support teams

ZSL ZIM South Lotus Zsl 878X494

Service Highlights:

  • A direct link between Vietnam and Southern US ports
  • The fastest transit time from Pusan, Korea to Houston, Texas and additional inland destinations
  • An exclusive service from Vietnam and Korea to Tampa, Florida
  • A direct route from Asia to Lázaro Cárdenas, serving as a gateway to the Mexican market
  • ZIM’s signature customer experience, offering dedicated support every step of the way