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30-oct.-2010 | 01:47
New European Regulations: Entry Summary Declaration
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30-oct.-2010 | 01:47
New European Regulations: Entry Summary Declaration

We would like to advise our customers of the implementation of the European Union's new regulation which will require a transmission of the manifest 24 Hours prior to the loading of European Union Bound vessels.

This new regulation will come into effect January 1st, 2011 and Zim, as the Carrier, will be responsible for providing this manifest (Entry Summary Declaration – ENS) in a timely manner. Of course we are dependant on the information provided by you.

What is an ENS?
An ENS is an Entry Summary Declaration which is required for all inbound cargo into the European Union, regardless of their destination.

The requirement is for:

•Import Cargo
•FROB (freight Remain on Board) while the vessel calls at the EU ports.
•Transshipment Cargo – for both destinations in and out of the EU.
The requirement is for security measures only and not for Customs related issues


Who must lodge the ENS?
The ENS is lodged by the Carrier based on the required information provided by the client.


When must it be lodged?
Similar to the US / Canadian / Mexico / China rule, the ENS must be lodged 24 hours prior to the vessels' loading (a vessel which will call at a EU port directly).


Where must it be lodged?
The ENS is sent to the Customs Authority at the first Port of Entry into the EU.

EU Countries:

•Czech Republic
•United Kingdom

Which Data Is Included?
•Shipper (EORI number where available)
•Consignee (EORI number where available)
•Notify Party (mandatory for “To Order” B/L)
•4 digit HS code, but 6 digit HS Code is recommended
•Code for the type of packages
•Number of packages
•Shipping marks for packaged goods (not necessary for containerized goods)
•Container number
•Seal number
•Gross mass (in kilograms)
•UN code for dangerous goods
•Transport charges method of payment code (e.g. payment in cash, payment by credit card, payment by check, electronic credit transfer, account holder with carrier, not pre-paid).


Are amendments allowed?
Amendments are allowed but might be rejected by the Customs Authorities and should be handled case by case.


Is A House B/L Required?
Unlike the requirements to the US / Canadian Customs, a House b/l is not required. The Master b/l filed by the carrier is enough, even if the Shipper and CNEE are the Freight Forwarder.